Calling Any Guest Bloggers…?

March 1, 2012 § 16 Comments

The lifted mood continues, and not unhampered by a particularly cheerful, “Hello, darling,” just now from the man with the prominent piercing in the cafe where I get my daily fix of latte.  Also by an entertaining night out with an Immediate last night (about which more in the Times on Monday, but nothing to hold your breath about).

Next week, whether or not it takes in a date with Long Shot, ho hum, is promising to prove pretty punishing.  So I am going to be shameless and say, Calling all guest bloggers!  That’s should anyone wish to help me out and contribute, so I can keep up the daily postings?  I know, as I have said before, that I am under no obligation, but I’d like to if at all possible.

Inspired anyone?

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