I Am Still Here…

July 17, 2013 § 100 Comments

….Just on holiday.  In the UK, and baking, and rather depressed, but reading Seating Arrangements, whichI am enjoying enormously.  Stoner is next on my pile. Consolation for a less than happy existence resides entirely in literature and I’ve heard Stoner is a minor masterpiece.  Can’t wait.

Went to see The Book of Mormon the other night.  Enjoyed it for sure but felt that it was ultimately a conventional musical with swear words and dildos.  And I fucking hate musicals.  Though I didn’t hate this.  It was a great night out we had, but what with parking and dinner and so on, cost the GNP of a middling-sized nation.

So, back to the paperbacks.

And the inane and entirely pointless search for a companion.  Which ostensibly costs nothing, but in fact leads to a major sanity overdraft which I am not sure I am going to be able to pay off.


§ 100 Responses to I Am Still Here…

  • Vittoria says:

    Hello there! I am 50 next month and I don’t think there’s any point in my looking any more, however I have booked myself on a week end course with a company that claims to teach women about male psychology… I’m not saying the name of the company in case people think I am paid to advertise it. I am going in September. I suspect it’s some kind of life coaching/psychology LITE and the advice may well be good old common sense applicable in different life situations. It could even be fun.

  • Lydia says:

    I am also on holiday in the UK but as ever we are chalk and cheese as I tend to enjoy everything although never musicals. I love singing but it needs to be Purcell, Bach etc and I prefer performing to listening. It’s free too and singing makes you happy for various physical reasons.

    I wonder why plankton thinks she needs someone/ a man? For money? For societal expectation because of her cultural upbringing? Because women in her famliy always have men and rely on them to keep them? Not for sex – she’s found she can easily get that without strings for younger men.
    Relax. Enjoy the holiday. Think how much better you are off single.

    • Robert says:

      Lydia, you’re correct, singing is good for the soul In the classical genre, my favorites are Faure (my French is terrible) and Handel. I often find performing it to be preferable to being in a relationship. I’m able to express myself freely and not have to walk on eggshells worrying if i’m making somebody mad or happy, not paying enough attention to them, paying too much attention to them, etc. I can just be myself.

      Don’t get me wrong, a relationship with a nice woman would be wonderful, but I think if more people would find an interest to fill their hearts instead of trying to look for a someone to make them feel whole, there would be less sadness in the world and it would be a better place..

  • ToneDeafSinger says:


  • EmGee says:

    Ah! Ms P, and Lydia too!

    Not so sure the search is without some expense, or at least the cost of palliatives while the search continues. I am hoping you have more twinkles soon, we could all use the lift in our spirits

    I am taking a much need getaway: 1 night in San Diego with my bf tomorrow. I am happy for him that he has found some work, even though it is temporary, and within driving distance no less(!), but it is still a 3 hour drive at that. One needs to weigh the burden of keeping the relationship going, when the going is tough, too.

  • Vaso Constantinides says:

    Well I envy people who are happy to be single! As a divorced mother of 3 teenagers who are increasingly happy to leave mum behind, I crave a companion for love friendship and sex! Nothing wrong with Ms P wanting that too!

  • Bambi says:

    I sometimes wonder if it I who is writing this blog, maybe in my sleep or subconsciously. I fucking HATE musicals too. I hated them before I came to London and I hate them even more now. Every goddam visitor to London asks me to join them at a musical. On the first three occasions, I went (politely) and endured 2-3 (excruciating) hours…. Thereafter, I have told similar well-meaning people that I will meet them before or after the musical – or, better still, will go to any one of the interesting/beautiful/thought-provoking plays, concerts, operas or events that abound in London… In the last few weeks, I went to two totally different (and inexpensive) gigs : http://www.didimentionthefreewine.com/ – one of the funniest (booziest!)nights I have had in London since coming here. and http://www.hofesh.co.uk/ – brilliant. If you can get to either or both of these (they are on in other locations and come back to London again later this year), SKIP THE FUCKING MUSICAL and go to these instead.

    As for all the rest (the Plankton status etc), well, it fades into
    insignificance in comparison with FMs….

    Rant over. 🙂

  • Elizabeth says:

    Try cultivating a more relaxed attitude about finding a male companion. If you try too hard, you project that vibe, and it is off putting to the male species, who like to “hunt”. A “couldn’t care less attitude” becomes a challenge for the hunter! Love yourself and enjoy doing things that you love doing, regardless of whether a male is involved or not.

    • Steve says:

      Elizabeth, it’s all very well to play hard to get/couldn’t care less when we’re in our 20’s etc, but when you get to a certain age, it is just playing games.
      I always feel – be honest, tell the truth and if they don’t like you, it’s their loss!

      • Elizabeth says:

        Perhaps I didn’t express myself very well. I didn’t mean to imply play hard to get/don’t care, but be more relaxed and look at life, people, situations with an open mind and an open heart. Yes, I totally agree with you regarding the question of honesty, and that means being honest with oneself also. Some of the other comments are concluding that mindless dating etc does not do one’s esteem or soul or heart any favours at all. Whether you are married, and have children, there is no guarantee that you won’t be single, alone or lonely in later life.

      • The Plankton says:

        That’s more like it. Pxx

    • The Plankton says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth. I don’t wish to sound ungrateful but I have heard this advice before. It is, I fear, the stock advice for all plankton. Pxx

  • Planktons Unite says:

    i am 44 and most definitely Plankton. I have been dabbling in online dating the last few weeks, and realised the meeting men and them not being *suitable* is making me sadder than the fact of being Plankton. So i wonder whether I am better off just accepting full blown Planktonhood? The first guy, well we had lots in common, but when we met there wasnt really anything there, so the whole 10 days of online chatting was a complete waste.

    The second guy, he was an interesting one. He is 39, and seemed to be THE most polite guy i have ever come across. So articulate, thoughful, the messages he would write were so different to any man i have met. I knew something wasnt quite right though, i just couldn’t figure out what.

    So on a whim, i arranged to meet him last saturday morning, and at first, when i saw him, i was “wow” handsome, as well (the photos looked nice but you never know).

    Then… he started talking. He had some kind of disability, perhaps autism, aspergers, I am not sure. he spoke really fast and in running sentences, and with my earlier career in special ed, i knew it was something like that. He was smart, but there was something not quite right with him. Shallow as this sounds, he also had these really long fingernails. When i saw them, i knew he must not have had much experience with women, and being well, intimate with them.

    SO after that date and combined with teh other one, i sunk into a deep grief that day, mostly how i missed my ex, and i texted him… and just sunk into a sadness for about 24 hrs where i just thought, is it really worth it?

      • kathy says:

        I find myself running in circles where I will online date for a while, meet a few guys, get depressed that they don’t work out then think ok just forget it, then get depressed about being single, and that I better look or time will run out…., and around I go again

  • Vaso says:

    I agree with Steve! The “don’t really care attitude” is ok for when you’re younger but as you get older and the realisation that you may be left alone in later years, well it just doesn’t work like that! But I’m keeping my hopes up, have to otherwise will fall into a pit of despair!!! And Lydia having sex with younger men with no prospect of a future does not provide fulfilment or contentment in the least! Believe me!!

    • Steve says:

      I’m just a bit bitter & twisted right now because the last woman I went out with gave me the runaround something rotten. I asked her several times what we were doing and she wouldn’t answer the question.
      It’s frustrating, it’s pointless, it’s juvenile and ultimately it doesn’t get us anywhere. If you like someone; say so. If you don’t; say so. We’re all adults. We’ll cope.

      • Planktons Unite says:

        hmm cute looking, live in Australia by any chance ? haha

      • Muriel says:

        You have my sympathy, I’ve had that done to me, “with” someone who had very limited interest but wouldnt entirely let go, vague and shifty, etc etc. Eventually I hadto cut contact as I was really smitten and it drove me mad. My self esteem was in tatters by the end.
        Cut her off, there’s much better out there & she is wasting your time.

      • Steve says:

        Ah Muriel,

        If only I had been able to muster the requisite amount of nerve to tell her to jog on. But alas, it was too late, and I was already running around after her like a little puppy dog, delighted when she deemed it appropriate to respond to a text and practically orgasmic if she bothered to pick up the phone.
        This, I fear, is what it means to be a serial plankton. If someone shows even the barest minimum of interest, I am so pathetically grateful that self esteem goes straight out of the window.

  • MissBates says:

    Oh, Ms. Plankton, why not give yourself the summer “off” from your search for a companion? We both know it won’t make a damn bit of difference either way, so just enjoy the paperbacks and some nice meals with friends, or whatever else crops up (although I couldn’t recommend any more musicals).

  • rosie says:

    As ever, no words of wisdom re finding a companion, P, but I like the sound of Stoner… now on my reading list.

    You’ve probably read it and it’s probably nothing remotely like it but the Wikipedia description brought to mind A Confederacy of Dunces, which I thought was great, if a little over long.

    • The Plankton says:

      Have finished it. Bleak, but brilliant. Am now reading Stag’s Leap (Carol Olds collection of poetry about her husband leaving her). Last night, in bed, in fucking made me cry, didn’t it? Pxx

  • EmGee says:

    Well, I am leaving an update, mainly because I forgot to tick the notifications box before, and it can be hard to follow when people start replying to other people’s posts.

    Our 2 days together in San Diego were a joy. We toured an historic home – he likes carpentry and fine woodworking, and as an artist I love colors, natural things, a good stylish line, and the genius of seeing it all come together. Then we went to Little Italy because an art supply store was there. He hadn’t been downtown in ages, and was thrilled that a particular Italian Market/restaurant was there still. We didn’t dine there because we were taking another friend for dinner later (but will do so another time), but I did pick up a nice bottle of chianti and a box of torrone. That later dinner ended up being in an East African, primarily Ethiopian, restaurant. So I left for home with a full tummy of delicious food, and happy memories. He called this morning just to let me know how much he enjoyed himself too.

    The things that had the potential to turn the whole thing sour: we ended up staying with the aforementioned friend, who is sweet, but is a hoarder, and has an incontinent old dog, so her messy apartment was rather smelly too, and there was literally not a horizontal space without a pile of stuff on it. the place I had hoped to get was booked, and there was a major convention happening and no rooms to be had.

    The other thing, was my BF had an errand to do by himself before dinner, which he allotted an hour for. It didn’t seem realistic to me, but I agreed, and went to the beach to read and wait (couldn’t bear the thought of waiting in that foul flat). 2.5 hours later, he came back.

    Now many people would have been fuming, but I have accepted the fact that he doesn’t time manage well, and perhaps he said it would take an hour because that was what he wanted to believe. This is one of his idiosyncrasies I have learned to accept, and not act surprised because he has done something true to form.

    If we have a firm date for a certain time, he has never been more than a few minutes late, or lets me know if he’s running late well before the allotted time. But if he has to schedule time on the fly, I consider the source, and rely on what sounds more realistic to me.

    So that’s it. I can’t wait for the next trip, and he’ll be back here Wed. And no, he hasn’t given up on moving to the East Coast some day, either.

    • Fi says:

      Sorry EmGee – I’ve missed the bit where you explained why you couldn’t move with him and I’ve tried to find it. But why can’t you go too? As an artist couldn’t you work from there?

      • EmGee says:

        🙂 Not impossible, just maybe very impractical. My house is paid for, and even as an established artist living in a mild climate, it’s a struggle to make a living. I am not so established that my ‘following’ would move with me, it would be like starting from scratch and art is a very difficult profession to make a living at. To move to a sparsely populated area where the tourist season (that area’s main source of income besides commercial fishing) is only 3 months long and winters are bitterly cold, I think I would have to ‘try it out’ first. I would prefer that he move there if that is what he wants and get established himself, before I take such a radical course myself. I can see us living there in summers, and living on the west coast the rest of the year.
        It is a beautiful place, and I’d love to be painting there though!

        Also, sometimes people on your side of the pond don’t quite fathom the distances from place to place in this country. For instance, driving from Aberdeen Scotland, to Geneva Switzerland (1100 miles) would be half the distance (1500 miles) as from where I live to where he wants to move (2300 miles).

        I have known people in middle- and retirement-age, who have done this and regretted doing it, but discover it isn’t feasible to go back, unless they are quite wealthy. Unlike him, I am relatively happy here, even if it isn’t ideal.

      • Fi says:

        Things are so much easier when you’re younger. What you’re facing really is a question that applies to all us older people i.e. how willing are we to dismantle our life to accommodate someone else and how willing are we to take the risk that having done so it all works out ok and it doesn’t go hideously wrong and we end up worse off than before.

      • EmGee says:

        Trite, but true, Fi. When I was in my early 20s, I left the US with what would fit in my suitcase, came back 3 years later with what would fit in my suitcase, and 4 years later, because I had been living with someone under his parents’ roof, did it again. It all changed when I got married a couple years after that: we built a house together, and at the time, it seemed that we were building a life together.

        In our 20s, it seems like we have an infinite number of “Do overs”. In our 50s and up, the odds are very much against starting from scratch and making it all back up again, when there’s no guarantee. The fact that I, like many people I know, lost more in the last 5 years than I built up in the 20 before that due to events beyond my control, makes me even more wary of taking chances.

        It isn’t that I am looking forward to a grim retirement, so much as never retiring at all, ever.

      • Fi says:

        You think when you’re older you can pick up where you left off, but you can’t as you’re a different person. I’d like to resign from my job and go and do something different, but as it would mean less money and reduce my pension I’m unwilling to take the risk of making a mistake. The stakes are much higher now.

      • EmGee says:

        I think as long as people recognize the risks and are wiling to accept them, go for it. But most people don’t think it through, and end up disappointed.

        A friend who took care of his mother for the last several years in the house he grew up in, lost her right before Xmas last year. The house had to be sold to satisfy his siblings’ share, so he decided to take his, leave California, and go to Missouri with friends who were moving there. the plan was to buy a little fixer-upper, because property is cheap there, rent it out for a steady income, then go to central America and teach English (because people there, in his mind, are honest and pure and appreciate the simple things, etc etc etc). He is one of those people who have convinced themselves that everything that is wrong with this California (and the US) is what makes up California, (and the US), and life would be rosier anywhere but here.

        Well, turns out Missouri ain’t that great (lots of rednecks, who’d have thunk it?), he hasn’t found a suitable property, he has no knowlege of real estate or carpentry skills, and reality has set in. There’s no way he could move back to San Diego with the resources he has left,or anywhere else decent for that matter, unless he wants to struggle the rest of his life under reduced circumstances. He’s in his early fifties, and you’d swear he was 40, but no matter what anybody says, 50 isn’t the new 40.

      • Fi says:

        Awful. It’s like the women I know who have been left now, in their 50s, starting from scratch in rented accommodation or with mortgages they’ll be paying till they’re 70. i wouldn’t have the energy or optimism needed to start over again. Well they don’t either but they’re having to. And I admire them tremendously for making the best of where they find themselves but it would i think be even harder if they’d ended up there by choice.

      • EmGee says:

        It is Fi, and I had a narrow escape myself. When my husband died, his biggest legacy was a hard loan he had talked me into taking against our home just months before he took a permanent leave. Luckily, one thing left over from better times was a retirement property we had bought several years prior. Fortune was kind, and even in a very bad climate for real estate sales, I was able to sell it for just a little less than we paid for it, and pay off that horrid loan.

        Knock wood, I will never be faced with that sort of debt again, and certainly not because I let my common sense get overruled.

  • WiddleandDa says:

    I think I’ve bee blocked.

    I tried to comment on Friday and again today but no go.

    Maybe that’s why Scott has disappeared too.

    Speaks volumes about the motives behind the blog.

  • zoe says:


    • widdleandDa says:

      If I use my ‘correct’ name I can’t comment. With a silly unrelated name and a ne GMail account I can.

      • Fi says:

        Hmmm. You’ve obviously commented before, you’re a bloke, you’ve offended P in the past, you’re a long time reader as you know the characters….who ARE you?

  • zoe says:

    Yes, there must be some way you can surreptitiously blow your cover. We will deploy our best code-breaking skills. T lover?

  • Bambi says:

    The very one, Fi. 🙂

  • T Lover says:

    No idea

  • T Lover says:

    Well, I just thought I would try T Lover and beggar me it worked. I had tried the laptop at home, the PC at work, on Friday and Monday. Alternated between the old and the new, one worked the other didn’t. Then it did.

    Someone put (just) “Testing” and Scott has gone.


  • zoe says:

    that combined with baseless suspicions about the blog’s motives and the general jumping to conclusions on scanty evidence … 🙂

    • T Lover says:

      There is absolutely no need to keep putting the boot in – thank you.

      Explain what happened then. And when I typed “Tee Lover” (to try and fool it) but using the new eMail address it wouldn’t have that either. Remove Tee Lover and it worked

      I’m sulkng now. So, Zoe, you can add that one to my list of faults.

      To be 100% honest I am more interested in the personalities behind the comments than the blog. I should grow up and shove off.

      So apart from not wanting to be blocked (and desperate then to cheat the system) being banned would have been a bit of a relief.

      • zoe says:

        Just teasing TL. You, Fi and Emgee have been keeping the blog afloat …

      • Fi says:

        you do tend to take offence very easily though 😀

      • T Lover says:

        You two need a good spanking. Picking on a defenceless bloke.

      • T Lover says:

        Went to the Lakes on Friday to pick up a picture and then on to do some work on the new house.

        Took an instant dislike to the auctioneer’s receptionist. No volume control, off switch or brain.

        The cake and food for the way home neighbour didn’t come good at all this time. No cake. Therefore no icing, candle or cherry.

        Good. Because she is pished every evening. Properly. To be kept at the end of a stick.

        EmGee. Brilliant. That is going to work out. How does he get away with a day late? Five stars.

  • Fi says:

    Has anyone else seen this http://fortydaysofdating.com
    It’s quite clever – 2 friends go on 40 days of dates and have ‘couples’ therapy and each day they talk about how the dates are going from each of their perspectives. They’re only reporting on day 14 or 15 at the moment, but it is quite interesting to see their different views of events and conversations that they’re having. She wants to be loved and he likes playing the field.

    • EmGee says:

      It’s clever, in a twentysomethings’ problems way, but the site is a horror to navigate. Also, I am not sure what the point is, or what they expect to discover after 40 days. Day 1, and other random days I picked out seemed an awful lot like the evenings out with my girlfriends: We chose restaurant with good drinks and we talked about our lives. We went to the day spa. We didn’t see each other today.

      Although it is pretty clear to me why neither of them can maintain a relationship: They’d rather play games like this and pretend they are doing something constructive, instead of facing personal issues they don’t care to deal with, which might actually do them some good.

      • Fi says:

        it reminds me of an old film i saw when i was a teenager, which i’ve never seen again and know nothing about, but basically it was a man and woman dating with both revealing what they think about what is going on, and responding to that with both of them misunderstanding the other. In relation to these 2 folk I don’t actually think they have problems (but then I’m British – maybe I’m in denial). I think she is a woman who can’t help but try to make a relationship with a suitable single man that is in the vicinity as she hasn’t been successful in meeting anyone else and she wants him to be Mr Right. For all her denials she is always trying to gauge how he feels about her and it seems to me that she is unhappy a lot of the time. He on the other hand seems much more straight forward and thinks she’s quite attractive and likes her but isn’t keen on changing the relationship they have, and wants to just see what happens. She tries to define the relationship and wants to talk and he is already complaining about the drama she brings to everything and her mood swings. I think they are only 30 something, but I also think they play out exactly what is represented on these pages and it is interesting to me to see it in real time so to speak – both points of view expressed simultaneously about the same events. I’d be surprised if it ended well – my money’s on her pushing him for some sort of proper relationship, maybe even having sex with him, but him backing off, then their friendship ends and all their mutual friends have to choose which one they are going to stay friends with.

      • maria says:

        Fi, thanks.

    • zoe says:

      I’m completely hooked on that 40daysofdating now – thanks for mentioning it, fi. Impatient each day for New York to get going for the daily update. The key to navigating the site is very simple but nonetheless it’s annoying to have to work it out in the first place (for those who have yet to check it out: start from the bottom up – each new row is a new day)…designers, huh? But fascinating and revealing – both for the particular (the two characters) and for the universal (familiar male/female dynamics). The dance around the “hook up” evening was particularly revealing – neither of them seemed to have good insight into what was happening and why they behaved in the way they did. Easier to see the patterns at a distance …

      • Fi says:

        I love it too. She is young Plankton – oh how quickly she decided that it wasn’t a 40 day experiment but a fully fledged relationship. Although he isn’t aware of that. And really whether he agrees or not is largely irrelevant to her as like it or not, she has decided he is the one for her. Poor guy really as he is just getting on with things, trying to be nice and he doesn’t realise that the minute the 40 days is over she will turn round and accuse him of leading her on or taking advantage of her in some way and he will not have a clue how he’s ended up there.

      • Fi says:

        cos let’s not forget this is an experiment. Although Jess and the therapist seem to think it’s a real relationship. Bizarrely. I mean concluding that because he doesn’t know whether he wants a proper relationship with someone he has been dating as an experiment for 2 weeks doesn’t mean ‘Commitment Issues’ (although rather like getting married, most men don’t have a problem committing when they meet someone they want to do it with, it;s just ‘you’ they don’t want) it simply means that they have all forgotten this is 40 day experiment. They are 3 weeks in, and everyone’s slipped into a sort of twilight world where they all appear to think it’s real life and there is something wrong with him because he doesn’t know NOW whether or not he wants to be with her longer term. I think he’s the only sane one there.

      • zoe says:

        Yes, Timothy is indeed a man under pressure! Jessica and therapist are ganging up: “His indecisiveness is getting old, and the therapist said she thought he was being cowardly”. I can only imagine what they would say if Tim were ever tempted to date someone like me, many years his senior. It’s interesting what an extraordinary grip the norm of a long-term relationship/commitment has in this society. It’s a kind of tyranny. It’s at the root, I would guess, of 75% of the unhappiness on this blog. It’s behind TLover’s despairing cry: “A shed load of time down the pan”. It’s behind JamesB’s desire to run naked around his kitchen shouting. And of course it’s behind the “major sanity overdraft” that P mentions in this very post.

      • A woman says:

        But it’s an EXPERIMENT with a shelf life of 40 days. It’s not a real relationship. Are they insane? They haven’t been together for several months, meeting after being attracted to one another and gradually developing into something else and they’re discussing whether or not they should have children.
        I think Jess is mental – i bet the therapist said no such thing. Jess belongs on these pages writing about how all men are bastard, commitment phobes and she can’t find anyone to love 🙂

      • zoe says:

        Except she’s rather cool isn’t she? And she values her past relationships (they’re not shed loads of time down the pan). She gets fond reviews from her ex-boyfriends who can be prevailed upon to go along with the obsession with hand written notes (and she must have done something right to call in that favour). He gets nothing – except one solitary kiss-off email…

      • A woman says:

        I think she’s anything but cool, and would say she’s one of those women who puts herself out time and time again then plays the martyr when her efforts aren’t reciprocated. She is the one that has decided that this is to be a proper relationship and has been pushing for it, not him. He has in fact toyed with the idea of hooking up but thought it wouldn’t be a good idea as it might spoil things after the experiment is over.

      • zoe says:

        Fi, you’ve turned into “a woman”!

      • Fi says:

        Heh heh. Sorry I’m back again. That’s because I found another blog of sane men in the manosphere (an oxymoron I know) and started commenting there. 🙂

      • maria says:

        Fi, what’s the name of the new blog you’ve been reading? If it’s full of sane men I’d like to have a look.

      • Fi says:

        Maria, it’s Illusionofsanity.com

      • zoe says:

        Cool? Well she’s only 26, is an influential NYC designer, has created something exciting and unusual in that blog and has a nice bod: http://tonytacacci.tumblr.com/post/43832942479/sagmeister-walsh

      • Fi says:

        i promise that if she doesn’t start wailing now about how badly he’s treated her and how she expected this ‘relationship’ (aka ’40 day experiment’) to turn into a proper relationship now she’s had sex with him (as i assumed would happen), then I will think indeed think she’s cool instead of needy. 🙂

      • Fi says:

        oh no Maria – i made a mistake thinking a manosphere blog could be ok. Turns out this Illusion guy is as mental as the rest of them – his latest post is ranting about discovering one of the other bloggers to be be Jewish and a satanist. Once again i am dumbfounded at the tribalism, intolerance and ignorance. But then again why should I be as these are manosphere sites. In America.

  • Planktons Unite says:

    out of control sexual cravings as a result of menopause?

    wow . I thought it went the opposite way. I am only 44, so i have nymphomania to look forward to it seems!

  • Muriel says:

    I googled Scott, he is alive and well and posting comments on tedious rawk bands. Yes I know, stalker much.

    • Fi says:

      he’s another one always on the Times website with Lydia

    • Yes, that’s me- I didn’t know anybody notices these things-

      I’m in an amateur photography club out here in the suburbs of New York City, I’ve had A LOT of work to do for one of our upcoming exhibits recently, and so apologies- I’m sorry I’ve not had time to keep people apprised of my latest encounters with women, but rest assured I can summarize them all with three- and- a- half words- “there’ve been none”

  • zoe says:

    Five dates with three different men in the last couple of weeks. After 7 months of doing nothing at all. I blame the weather. Or I’m just ready for a new relationship. Then, as if on cue, the doctor turns up again. And puts me in a spin.

  • QT says:

    good god women, stop analysing everything and go live your lives. No one wants to be around someone miserable!

  • James B says:

    Maybe some of the men have been pushed off the blog. I have been unable to post myself. Oh well …

  • @ Ms. Plankton- WARNING !!! I remember a few months ago you told us on one of your blogposts here that you’re now taking Fluoexetine HCl or “Prozac”-

    I’m presently reading “Cracked: The Unhappy Truth About Psychiatry” by James Davies (Pegasus, 2013)- I beg of you, please read this, and then decide whether or not you want to continue consuming your prescription- If it’s really making you feel better, then hats off, more power to you, keep taking it-

    You appear to be not only an author, but you also appear to be quite a bibliophile, which means that you probably read at a relatively fast pace- You’ll be able to read this entire book within one single day or evening- Some very frightening information about Prozac and antidepressants in general is presented in this book ….

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